Harley Street Nutritionist

Joel Radley

Joel Radley is a leading nutritionist and therapist (nutritional therapy), supplement expert (10+ years in the industry) & based in London Harley Street. He began working with clients in 2016 in the renowned Harley Street Clinic, specializing in healing Pain and Fatigue, by way of combining nutrition and therapy.

Professionalism and Expertise

I am a Registered nutritionist and nutritional therapist, here to optimise your health. I have worked with hundreds of clients from the united kingdom and international who fly into the Harley street clinic for my personalized support. Breaking down science into understandable and actionable protocols via food plan, movement lifestyle and emotional support.

Lab Testing

I offer cutting edge lab testing with functional markers, namely bloodwork, stool analysis, hair analysis, and others. You may have been told your test results are fine yet are suffering various ailments. Now is your time to end the confusion and get functional lab work to really learn what is going on and how to fix it.

You have the choice to work on your diet, lifestyle and emotions without testing or to go head first into testing. Remember that not all conditions can be treated with diet and lifestyle alone, sometimes lab testing is not only recommended it is imperative to find out if there is any serious deficiencies or toxicity in the body. It is not needed for all but some conditions it is helpful. However I personally like to do the consultation first and suggest useful testing after I have learnt about you and your health history.

  • Comprehensive blood tests (covers general check ups to thyroid, fertility and hormonal health)
  • Stool Analysis (this is helpful with gut dysbiosis, possible parasites, candida)
  • DUTCH hormone tests (hormonal imbalance, infertility, pcos, endometriosis, fibroids)
  • Adrenal test
  • Organic Acids
  • Hair Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
  • Thyroid lab testing
  • Mycotoxins (mould)

Conditions I treat

Treating conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, fibroids, menstrual dysregulation, heavy periods, hypo-thyroid, hyper-thyroid, chronic fatigue, autoimmune conditions, gut dysbiosis, SIBO, candida and eating disorders. 

Pain & Fatigue

UK based or International clients come and see me primarily for chronic pain and fatigue. They are either uncomfortable, swollen, inflamed, in pain all the time or some of the time and tired. Energy either comes and goes, dips and drops, or is always low. In light of this there are several body systems and areas of imbalance that I find many of my clients struggling with outlined below. 

Female Health

Do you feel that your hormones are balanced? If you struggle with PMT, PMS, underactive thyroid such as hypothyroid, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), or going through menopause, fibroids, painful or no period, or even endometriosis, my Harley Street Clinic can help you. This is achieved by enhancing your nutrient rations via nutrition, to rebalance your hormones. Some may loose weight as a side effect some may not need to.  


Have you had to resort to ICSI, IVF or IUI due to complications in conceiving? To put your best foot forward to improve your chances for conception and improve your fertility with a functional nutrition consultation. You have many options to improve your fertility and a lot of the time it is diet and lifestyle related which is easily rectified but can take several months to notice the changes. 

Metabolic Syndrome

Many travel to me to loose weight and reset their metabolism. This aids hormonal balance and energy levels. I do not believe in diets, rather changing your lifestyle and rather than loosing weight, you are rebalancing to where your body wants to shift which with an ideal diet, will be leaner with fat in the right attractive places. This is particularly helpful for underactive thyroid, adrenal fatigue and hormonal issues such as PCOS. 

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Thyroid conditions such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. As well as autoimmune thyroiditis, graves or hashimoto’s. Some clients have been diagnosed by their doctor and others are subclinical. Unfortunately many have had conventional tests with their private GP or doctor and the tests come back fine or they are told it should just be watched. However in many cases these subclinical cases are causing pain and fatigue in the clients life. Functional lab tests have specific standards which takes even subclinical levels seriously to prevent further problems down the line. 

Chronic Fatigue, Low Energy

A lack or energy, or energy dips throughout the day can be very frustrating and make it very hard to function. Adrenal health, food intolerances, blood pressure, thyroid, inflammation & hormonal imbalance can all be implicated.

Focusing on the fundamentals of diet, energetics, movement and mindfulness can positively impact ones energy and restore balance into your life. 

Digestive Disorders

A lot of clients come to visit me with digestive disorders and distress. They are in pain due to bloating, poor digestion, gas, acid reflux, yeast or parasite infections and commonly called IBS. This pain can be crippling, coupled with a vicious cycle of diarrhoea and or constipation. 

You may have debilitating pain, infringing on your life, or mild symptoms like burping and bloating or poor digestion. There are many ways I can help you in the London Harley Street Clinic or online.

Weight Loss

My holistic approach to weight loss is to balance the body systems and find an equilibrium or work, life and play. Once we work out what stressors are causing one to eat too much or too many of the wrong foods, we can slowly work on optimizing the food one eats but not going on fad, extreme or restrictive diets 

How does the process work to see Joel Radley at 1 Harley Street?

Please first book a 15 minute free call with Joel to confirm your circumstances and ensure you will get the best support possible. You will be made to feel as comfortable as possible. 

After which you can then decide to proceed with one of the programs offered to you. You will be sent in take forms to share your health history and previous tests results (however it is likely you will require new functional lab tests that take into account your current state of health), then you will book in your first consultation and thereforth you will have ana greed schedule of visits. Some clients have all appointmnets at the clinic and others prefer to keep them online afterwards. I will dilgently begin putting the peices together before the consultation where we can go deeper into your health picture as a whole. 

You can also just have all of the appointments online but it is recommended to have the first in person. The online consultations are held via  secure video connection or a telephone if preferred. You simply need a webcam or not if its a phone call and a good connection. Remember that this a joint effort and whilst I facilitate the healing it is you who must put the work in. 

If you are currenty suffering with pain and fatigue click here to book a complimentary 15 minute call with Joel. 

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Picture of About Joel Radley

About Joel Radley

Joel Radley dipNT, BSc (Hons), mBANT, mCNHC, functional nutritionist specialising in root-cause natural healthcare, ancestral eating & lifestyle. Developer of the four-pillar protocol to help clients holistically, covering nutrition, energetics, emotions and mindfulness. I help concerns of the thyroid, adrenal, fatigue, hormones, gut health, eating disorders & chronic pain.

For over a decade supporting individuals like you and me, high performers, creatives, public figures and entrepreneurs, unlock their dormant healing power and optimize their health potential. I hope you will enjoy the videos, articles & recipes I share on my website, blog & social media. If you have a deeper concern that requires the help of an expert practitioner, do not hesitate and join the waiting list by booking a free call on the calendar. Warmly, Joel

Picture of About Joel Radley

About Joel Radley

Joel Radley dipNT, BBC (Hons), mBANT, mCNHC, nutritional therapist and naturopath specialising in root-cause natural healthcare, ancestral eating & lifestyle.

Developer of the four-pillar protocol to help clients holistically, covering nutrition, energetics, emotions and mindfulness. I help concerns of the thyroid, adrenal, fatigue, hormones, gut health, eating disorders & chronic pain.

For over a decade supporting individuals like you and me, high performers, creatives, public figures and entrepreneurs, unlock their dormant healing power and optimize their health potential.

I hope you will enjoy the free videos, articles & recipes I share on my website, blog and social media. If you have a deeper concern that requires the help of an expert practitioner, do not hesitate and join the waiting list by booking a free call on the calendar. Warmly, Joel